Open Mic Night brings together students, staff, faculty and alumni

Singers, musicians, poets and performers shared their talent at Open Mic Night on Feb. 10 at the Middleburgh Jr./Sr. Auditorium. Junior and senior high students and faculty, staff and alumni participated.  

A group of teens singing and playing instruments on stage.Audience members also heard compositions students have been practicing at school. The Modern Band Ensemble, a student-led group, selected their music for the show and determined the instrumentation and arrangements. Students worked together to rehearse the music while Mrs. Sarah Tomic was a facilitator. 

“Thank you to everyone who came out to support the music department and congratulations to the performers,” Tomic said. “We had a great time.”

A teen girl sings next to a teen boy with a guitar.Stickers, designed by student Ev Kelley, were sold with approximately $100 in proceeds benefiting the music department. 

Stay tuned. MCSD will host another open mic on June 9 during the Festival of the Arts.

A teen girl plays a keyboard on stage. A teen girl sings and plays guitar Man plays guitar
A teen signs and plays guitar. Sisters stand on stage. One is singing, the other plays guitar. Teen girl holds mic and smiles at audience. Two teens play guitar. Teen girl stands between them. Teen girl sings into a microphoneTeen plays guitar on stage