2020-21 School reentry plan: Health and Safety/Health hygiene

The district will emphasize healthy hygiene practices for students and staff by providing initial and refresher education in hand and respiratory hygiene, along with providing adequate supplies and time for frequent hand hygiene. Signs will be posted throughout the school (e.g., entrances, restrooms, cafeteria, classrooms, administrative offices, auditorium, custodial staff areas) and regular messaging will be shared with the school community. Signage will be used to remind individuals to:

  1. Stay home if they feel sick.
  2. Cover their nose and mouth with an acceptable face covering when unable to maintain social distance from others or in accordance with any stricter policy implemented by the school.
  3. Properly store and, when necessary, discard PPE.
  4. Adhere to social distancing instructions.
  5. Report symptoms of, or exposure to, COVID-19.
  6. Follow hand hygiene, and cleaning and disinfection guidelines.
  7. Follow respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette.

Hand Hygiene
Students and staff must carry out the following hand hygiene practices. 

●       Wash hands routinely with soap (any kind) and water for at least 20 seconds.

●       Dry hands completely after washing. Use paper towels to dry hands if available instead of a hand dryer if they are available.

●       If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol. Hand sanitizer should be rubbed on the hands until it is completely absorbed. DO NOT dry hands if sanitizer is used.

Hand washing should occur:

●       Before and after eating (e.g. snacks and lunch).

●       After going to the restroom or after assisting a student with toileting.

●       After using a tissue.

●       Before and after using shared materials.

●       Before and after putting on or taking off face masks.

●       After coming in from the outdoors.

●       Anytime hands are visibly soiled.

Respiratory Hygiene
The COVID-19 virus spreads from person to person in droplets produced by coughs and sneezes. Therefore, the district will emphasize the importance of respiratory hygiene.

Students and staff must carry out the following respiratory hygiene practices.

●       Cover a cough or sneeze using a tissue. If a tissue is used, it should be thrown away immediately. 

●       If you don’t have a tissue when sneezing or coughing, sneeze into your elbow.

●       Wash your hands after sneezing or coughing.

●       Face coverings are protective. Wearing a face covering will keep the respiratory droplets and aerosols from being widely dispersed into the air.

For more information about how hygiene information will be communicated to students, families and staff members, visit the Communication/Family and Community Engagement sectionof our reopening plan.