Board of Education

Middleburgh BOE membersThe Middleburgh school district is governed by five-members, each elected to serve three-year terms.

BOE Members

Debra A. Bechtold, President (term expires 2025)
Pamela Standhart, Vice-President (term expires 2027)
Becky Binder, (term expires 2027)
Vicki Hoerz, (term expires 2025)
Bonnie Snyder, (term expires 2026)

Board of Education Goals

Goal 1

The Board of Education will present annual school budgets that provide a quality instructional program.
  • Educationally sound and fiscally responsible
  • Pursuing and maximizing State and local aid, as well as grant opportunities
  • Optimizing the use of shared services with other governmental entities where cost-effective

Goal 2

The Board of Education will support equitable learning opportunities and access for every student no matter who they are, where they live or where they come from.
  • Reduce performance gaps between subgroups
  • Increase student participation in extracurricular activities
  • Maximizing Federal and State COVID Relief Funds to positively address learning, schooling and program loss 

Goal 3

The Board of Education is committed to the success of ALL students by emphasizing social and emotional well-being, high academic standards, and a safe learning environment (remotely and in-person).
  • Continuously improve graduation rate up to 100%
  • Increase acquisition of Advanced Diplomas to improve College and Career Readiness
  • Increase proficiency rates on all 3-8 NYS exams including Science 5 and 8

Goal 4

The Board of Education will conduct its policy-setting and work sessions in an open, transparent manner while being accessible and proactive in its communication with the community. It will meet this goal by:
  • Partnering with families and community members
  • Improve and optimize communication with all stakeholders
  • Educate and inform the public on school-funding, NYS regulations and contemporary educational issues

Process to Address Your Concerns

Despite our best efforts, there will be a time when something in the school district doesn’t work for you — a time when you question why something was done, or not done. When you find yourself in this situation, we ask that you work together with us by following the steps below in the process as established by our School Board.

  1. Discuss the issue with the teacher or guidance counselor at school, or the appropriate person in a department or program.
  2. Discuss the issue with the principal. If it is a school-wide concern, this becomes Step 1.
  3. Contact the Superintendent’s Office.

If you are unable to resolve your concern during any of the above steps, please request the person at that level to assist you in the process of moving to the next step. Board members may ask the Superintendent to discuss citizen concerns with the appropriate staff person.