2020-21 School reentry plan: School activities


Extracurricular programs and activities will utilize the same guidance as the school day programming.  Students will be required to main social distancing of 6 feet or utilize a mask when 6 feet is not possible.  Cleaning and disinfecting of materials will be conducted regularly and the use of individual items instead of shared items will be advised.  Assemblies and other large gatherings will not be permitted. 

Interscholastic sports are not permitted at the time of publication of this guidance, and additional information on athletic activities is forthcoming.

Attention will be paid to bringing back activities that can be conducted in a safe environment with appropriate social distancing protocols.

Those programs which can maintain social distancing will be offered (list forthcoming on the district website).  Efforts will be made to maintain established student cohorts to the extent possible so students are not exposed to additional individuals through afterschool programming only.