Blood Drive at MCS March 2

MCS is hosting a blood drive on Wednesday, March 2nd from 12:00-6:00 PM in the high school gymnasium. The hours of 12:00-3:00 are specifically saved for students and staff who wish to donate. However, you can sign up for any time that is convenient. 

The Red Cross is facing a national blood crisis–the worst blood shortage in over a decade. All blood types are needed.

High schools that host a minimum of two blood drives per year are eligible for the Community Blood Center High School Scholarship Program. Scholarships in the amount of $250-750 are available depending on blood drives and donations. We have been able to offer this to our students every year and it is a great way to encourage eligible teenagers to donate.  

To schedule an appointment, call 1-800-733-2767 or go to and enter sponsor code MiddleburghCS.

Jr. / Sr. High School Nurse Jen Adams also has a signup sheet in her office.