Budget Development Workshops Begin: Community Input Encouraged

Teacher in classroom with students.

Middleburgh Central School District has begun developing a new 2024-25 school year budget and welcomes community input. The BOE and administration aim to conduct the annual budget development process in an open and transparent manner, to partner with families and community members and to educate and inform the public about school funding.

As part of the process, MCS has scheduled budget workshops. During the first budget workshop, Superintendent Mark Place presented the administrative priorities for the next school year to the BOE. His presentation is available to watch on YouTube.

Additional budget workshops will be held on Feb. 14 and March 13. Members of the school district are always encouraged to attend BOE meetings and budget workshops.

On April 17, the BOE will vote on the proposed budget. The annual budget hearing is on May 8, and the budget vote will be on May 21.

Our Budget and Taxes page features significant resources where community members can find additional information on budget development, budget history, financial statements and more.