Summer Cheerleading with MCS – Sign up by June 21 

Boys and girls ages 13 to 18 are welcome to join this free program

  • Tuesday Tumble: Basic to intermediate tumbling skills and techniques, increase flexibility, and conditioning.
  • Thursday Stunt/Cheer: Progression in stunts basic to advanced. (shaping, body positions, choreography and conditioning)

DAYS: Tuesdays and Thursdays from July 12 to August 25 (Students must attend both days each week as skills will be combined in progression.)

TIME: 5:45 p.m. to 7:45p.m.

LOCATIONS: MCS HS gym, weight room, MCS ES gym

SIGN UP:  email to sign up no later than June 21. Reach out to Karen Schaffer with any questions to 518-827-3600 ext. 3681.

Parents are required to attend on Tuesday, July 12 in the high school gym at 5:45 p.m. You will meet the coach, sign required waivers and emergency cards, and get a schedule with the locations for meeting times.