Up, Up & Away Art Project

drawing of blue, yellow, orange, green, yellow and magenta jagged and circular patterns on hot air baloon up in the sky with a picture of student in the basket of the baloon

1st Grade ART
Inspiration: The Noon Balloon by Margaret Wise Brown, illustrated by Lorena Alvarez
Skills: texture, pattern, collage

Artists learned FUN facts about hot air balloons by reading many nonfiction books and watched videos of balloons taking off! How AWESOME is that! Project began by painting with watercolors and a crayon resist sky background.




1st grade student in a blue shirt and white mask looks up from the floor, where she's painting clouds on paper 1st grade student in a blue shirt and black mask looks up from the floor, where he's painting a sky on paper 1st grade student in a red shirt and red and white mask looks up from the floor, where he's swirling a paint brush to make clouds on paper




purple, orange, pink, green zigzag pattern on hot air baloon drawing on a cloudy day with picture of student in the basket of the baloon pink, purple, yellow, blue, green, orange and red smooth patterns on hot air baloon up in the sky drawing with a picture of student in the basket of the baloon hot air baloon drawing that's up in the sky with swirly clouds. A student picture in in the baloon that is made of dark colors, purple, red, orange, green, magenta. Some lines are smooth, some are circular and some are jagged drawing of a hot air baloon with yellows, greens, purples, pinks. The baloon has a student picture in the basket and is up above most of the clouds