Voluntary Consent for COVID-19 Testing

Dear MCS families,

We have been working together to keep our schools open and safe for in-person instruction. That has been our main goal throughout the pandemic. Today, I’d like to ask for your continued partnership while explaining the next steps the state is taking in an effort to stop the virus from spreading.

Governor Cuomo announced the state is monitoring activity where COVID-19 clusters are forming. They have implemented a color coding system to identify hot spots as yellow, orange or red zones. These zones are divided based on high COVID-19 positivity rates. Once a region is placed in one of these zones, there are various restrictions for businesses, gatherings, and schools. 

Middleburgh Central School District is not currently in any of the designated zones. However, we are paying attention to the trends and want to be prepared if circumstances change. In the event the state places our school district into a micro-cluster zone, in order to remain open for in-person instruction, we will be required to perform COVID-19 tests for a certain percentage of the school population. Because of this, we have been working with health officials to establish a course of action that includes giving COVID-19 tests to MCS students, faculty and staff.  

No student will be tested without consent from a parent or guardian. We are asking that you fill out the enclosed form as soon as possible. That way, we will have a better understanding of what we need to do to keep our schools open if we are placed in a zone that requires mandatory testing. Having consent from you ahead of time will help us create a list that will enable the district to move forward quickly if we need to test. 

This is the online consent form we need you to answer and sign. 

We recognize that this request may bring up concerns. Here are the facts to help you understand the type of testing and how it will be administered.

The COVID-19 tests will be done at MCS under the guidance and oversight of the Schoharie County Health Department by either a school nurse or another trained healthcare professional. 

The test will be fast and painless by swabbing the lower portion of the student’s nostrils. These tests are not the deep-sinus swabs that some individuals have found quite uncomfortable. 

The rapid test provides results in 15 minutes so there will be no need for household quarantining pending results. However, if a test comes back positive, results would need to be confirmed through a standard test, which would then require a quarantine until the results from the second test are received.

Wrapping your head around some of the extra precautions during this pandemic can be difficult at times, but every effort we make is to help us stay on track and keep our community healthy and safe. We want our communication with you to be as clear and comfortable as possible. Please reach out if you have any questions. 

Thank you,

Brian Dunn

Superintendent of Schools