PreK-12 Comprehensive School Counseling Plan

PreK-12 Comprehensive School Counseling Plan

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Counseling Program Advisory CouncilSchool Counseling Program RequirementsBoard of Education Policy AuthorizationSchool Counseling PlanPreK-6 Program DescriptionGrade 7-12 Program DescriptionCounseling Department Management SystemCounseling Department Delivery SystemAppendices

Counseling Program Advisory Council

  • Jennifer Adams, 7-12 School Nurse
  • Becky Binder, School Board Representative
  • Mary Elizabeth Pandolfino, K-12 School Psychologist
  • Jody DeJong, 7-12 Teacher Representative
  • Sarah Ewing, Pre-K- 6 Teacher Representative
  • Maura Green, Pupil Personnel Director
  • Vicki Hoerz, School Board Representative
  • Sarah Hooper, Parent Representative
  • Heather Howe, Pre-K- 6 School Counselor
  • Kelly Pacatte, 7-12 School Counselor
  • Paul Pierce, 7-12 School Counselor
  • Stacey Simeon, Pre-K- 6 School Nurse
  • Shane Smith, Student Representative

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New York State Part 100.2 Regulations – School Counseling Programs

As per the New York State Education Department, listed in Part 100.2 of the Commissioner’s Regulations, School Counseling/Guidance Programs are defined as follows:

  1. Public Schools: Each school district shall have a guidance program for all students.
  2. In grades K-6, the program shall be designed in coordination with the teaching staff to prepare students to effectively participate in their current and future educational programs; to help students who exhibit any attendance, academic, behavioral or adjustment problems; to educate students concerning avoidance of child sexual abuse and to encourage parental involvement.
  3. In grades 7-12, the School Counseling Program shall include the following activities and services:
    1. An annual review of each student’s educational progress and career plans, with such reviews conducted with each student individually or with small groups by personnel certified or licensed as school counselors.
    2. Instruction at each grade level to help students learn about various careers and about career planning skills conducted by personnel certified or licensed as school counselors, or by classroom teachers in cooperation with the school counselor.
    3. Other advisory and individual or group counseling assistance to enable students to benefit from the curriculum to help students develop and implement postsecondary educational and career plans; to help students who exhibit any attendance, academic, behavioral or adjustment problems; to encourage parental involvement, provided that advisory assistance shall be provided by teachers or counselors or by certified teaching assistants under the supervision of counselors or teachers; such individual or group counseling shall be provided by certified or licensed school psychologists or certified or licensed school social workers in cooperation with certified and licensed school counselors.
  4. Each school district shall develop a district plan which sets forth the manner in which the district shall comply with the requirements of this subdivision. Such plan should be filed in the district offices and shall be available for review by any individual. The plan shall present program objectives, which describe expectations of what students will learn from the program; activities to accomplish the objectives; specifications of the staff members and other resources assigned to accomplish the objectives; provisions for the annual assessment of the program results.

Beginning the 2019-2020 school year:

Comprehensive developmental school counseling/guidance programs. Beginning with the 2019-2020 school year, each school district shall have a comprehensive developmental school counseling/guidance program, for all students in kindergarten through grade 12. Each school district shall also ensure that all students in grades kindergarten through twelve have access to a certified school counselor(s).

For all grades kindergarten through twelve, district and building level comprehensive developmental school counseling/guidance programs shall prepare students to participate effectively in their current and future educational programs as age appropriate, and be designed to address multiple student competencies including career/college readiness standards, and academic and social/emotional development standards.  The comprehensive developmental school counseling/guidance program (“program”) shall include the following activities or services:

In grades kindergarten through five, the program shall be designed by a certified school counselor in coordination with the teaching staff, and any appropriate pupil personnel service providers, for the purpose of preparing students to participate effectively in their current and future educational programs, to provide information related to college and careers, and to assist students who may exhibit challenges to academic success, including but not limited to attendance or behavioral concerns, and where appropriate make a referral to a properly licensed professional and/or certified pupil personnel service provider, as appropriate for more targeted supports.

For students in grades six through twelve, certified school counselors shall provide an annual individual progress review plan, which shall reflect each student’s educational progress and career plans.  For a student with disability, the plan shall be consistent with the student’s individualized education program.

School counseling/guidance core curriculum instruction for the purpose of addressing student competencies related to career/college readiness, academic skills and social/emotional development by a certified school counselor(s).

Other direct student services which may include, but need not be limited to, responsive services, crisis response, group counseling, individual counseling, appraisal, assessment and advisement, for the purpose of enabling students to benefit from the curriculum, assisting students to develop and implement postsecondary education and career plans, assisting students who exhibit attendance, academic, behavioral or adjustment concerns and encouraging parental involvement.

Indirect student services which may include but need not be limited to, referrals to appropriately licensed or certified individuals, consultation, collaboration, leadership, advocacy, and teaming.

Each school district shall develop district-wide and building-level comprehensive developmental school counseling/guidance plans which set forth the manner in which the district shall comply with the requirements of this subdivision. 

Updated annually, available for review at the district offices and each school building and made available on the district’s website.

Each plan shall be developed annually and shall include program objectives, activities, program development and maintenance planning, school counseling curriculum, professional development planning, evaluation methods based on data analysis of program results and closing the gap analysis reports to inform program improvement, and assessment of the resources necessary to support positive student outcomes.

Each plan shall also include the preparation of a program outcomes report that includes an analysis of all systematic components of a comprehensive developmental school counseling/guidance program as defined by this subdivision.

Each school district shall establish a comprehensive developmental school counseling/guidance program advisory council to be comprised of representative stakeholders (such as parents, members of the board of education, school building and/or district leaders, community-based service providers, teachers, certified school counselors and other pupil personnel service providers in the district including school social workers and/or school psychologists).

The advisory council shall meet no less than twice a year for the purpose of reviewing the comprehensive developmental school counseling/guidance program plan and advising on the implementation of the school counseling/guidance program.  The advisory council shall create and submit an annual report to the board of education.

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Board of Education Policy Authorization


Middleburgh Central School’s School Counseling Plan

A. The Comprehensive Model

The comprehensive school counseling program is a framework for the systematic development, implementation, and evaluation of school counseling programs. The comprehensive school counseling plan was designed in a way that:

  • Acknowledges the work of school counselors as advocates for students
  • Creates results-based counseling programs that support diverse student populations.
  • Help to close learning gaps.
  • Aims to reach all students through the use of exemplary strategies that assess academic, career, and social/emotional progress.
  • Is guided by developmentally appropriate and goal-oriented student competencies.

The process for delivery of the National Standards linked to the Common Core Standards is accomplished by utilizing each of the four components of the comprehensive model. The four main components of the model are:

  1. The foundation of the program which addresses the belief and mission that every student will benefit from the school counseling program.
  2. The management system that presents the organizational process and tools needed to deliver a comprehensive school counseling program. These processes and tools include agreements or responsibilities, use of data, action plans, time and task analysis, and monthly calendars.
  3. The delivery system which defines the implementation process and the components of the comprehensive model (guidance curriculum, individual planning with students, responsive and system support).
  4. The accountability system which helps school counselors demonstrate the effectiveness of their work in measurable terms such as impacts over time, performance evaluation, and a program audit.

The National Model for School Counseling Programs speaks to the importance of accountability and having an organizational framework that documents and demonstrates “how students are different as a result of the school counseling programs.” A commitment to accountability shifts public perception from questions such as “what do school counselors really do?” to showing how school counselors are key players in the academic success for all students.  While we will use the model as a guide, we will be progressive in our thinking and always evaluate and update what we are doing based on what is in the best interest of the students.

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B. Middleburgh Central School Counseling Department Foundation

School District Mission Statement

Counseling Mission Statement

The mission of the Middleburgh School Counseling Department is to meet the individual needs of all students by providing them with support, information, resources, and guidance through a comprehensive developmental school counseling program. The services provided by the Middleburgh school counselors empower students to develop the knowledge, skills, abilities and character needed to pursue their individual goals and become contributing members of our society.

Counseling Vision Statement

It is the vision that students graduating from Middleburgh High School will be college and career ready and will have the skills needed to maximize their academic success and social/emotional development. The comprehensive school counseling program supports students through a rigorous curriculum while providing a variety of opportunities for self-directed growth to become contributing and healthy members of a competitive global society.

Middleburgh School Counselor Belief Statements

Counselors at Middleburgh believe that students learn best when:

  • Counselors serve as active, positive role models following ethical standards.
  • Counselors advocate for all students.
  • They are challenged and actively involved through methods of instruction.
  • Counselors are responsive to their developmental needs.
  • Personal responsibility for learning is cultivated and developed.
  • The subject matter is relevant and taught by motivated and well-prepared staff.
  • Clear academic and behavioral expectations are communicated and understood.
  • Their individual strengths and efforts are encouraged and recognized, and specific and timely feedback on their performance is provided.
  • A school community where respect, acceptance for differences, and civility are modeled by all.
  • Their families are encouraged to take an active, supportive role in their education and basic human needs (shelter, nutrition) are met.
  • Valid data is used to inform decisions.

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American School Counselor Association Standards – Mindsets and Behaviors

Student Competencies

As a result of a comprehensive counseling program, students should demonstrate the following mindsets and behaviors as outlined by ASCA:

  • Academic Development – Standards guiding school counseling programs to implement strategies and activities to support and maximize each student’s ability to learn.
  • Career Development – Standards guiding school counseling programs to help students 1) understand the connection between school and the world of work and 2) plan for and make a successful transition from school to postsecondary education and/or the world of work and from job to job across the lifespan.
  • Social/Emotional Development – Standards guiding school counseling programs to help students manage emotions and learn and apply interpersonal skills.

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Pre-K to Grade 6 Program Description

A. Pre-K – 6 Objectives and Activities


  1. To provide group counseling as needed for students focusing on topics such as grief, social skills, coping skills, divorce/separation, and anger management.
  2. To coordinate or help coordinate school-wide special activities and programs.
  3. To help students and parents new to the District gain information and become familiar with the Elementary School’s educational program.
  4. To collaborate with outside mental health professionals to coordinate care for students and families in treatment.
  5. To coordinate the review and selection process of awards.
  6. To verify and monitor student academic progress.
  7. To assist students with the resolution of personal and school related problems or who are at risk.
  8. To consult with parents, staff and outside agencies regarding individual student development and needs.
  9. To collaborate with parents, staff and outside agencies regarding individual student development and needs.
  10. To provide classroom guidance lessons addressing academics, personal/social skills, emotional/behavioral needs and any other topics that may be of importance and specific to an entire class or grade level.
  11. To provide crisis intervention, risk assessment, and ongoing evaluation.
  12. To serve as an additional liaison for community and mandated programs including Child Protective Services (CPS), Probation, Person in Need of Supervision (PINS) and appointed law guardians.
  13. To provide staff in-service training when appropriate.
  14. To provide students and parents with guidance related information in a timely fashion.
  15. To participate in professional development activities through professional memberships.
  16. To assist in Master Schedule development and implementation in School Tool.
  17. To advocate for and support student’s academic, social/personal and emotional needs.
  18. To assist teachers and administration with report cards.

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Grade 7-12 Program Description

A. Objectives and Activities


  1. To help students and parents, new to the Jr./Sr. High School, gain information and become familiar with the Jr./Sr. High School educational program.
  2. To periodically and annually review each student’s educational progress and career plans.
  3. To facilitate effective home/school communication to monitor student progress on a consistent basis.
  4. To assist students in program choices consistent with abilities and academic/career goals.
  5. To help students become more familiar with post-high school educational opportunities, occupational information and financial aid.
  6. To offer alternatives for high school students who are struggling academically.
  7. To assist student to identify their interests and abilities through an interpretation of their performance on a number of standardized tests, such as PSAT, SAT, ACT, ASVAB and self-directed research.
  8. To provide a developmental career guidance program that will enable students to make educational and vocational plans.
  9. To provide students and parents with guidance related information in a timely fashion.
  10. To assist students with the resolution of personal or school related problems.
  11. To maintain accurate and appropriate student records.
  12. To keep current in all related guidance areas through various professional development opportunities, including college forums, career, financial aid and counselor workshops, and college visits.

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Middleburgh Central School Counseling Department Management System

The management system incorporates organizational processes and tools to ensure that the Middleburgh school counseling program is organized, concrete, clearly delineated, and reflective of the school’s needs.

A. Program Implementation

Each building principal will decide how students will be assigned to counselors to ensure that each student has access to the counseling program.  In addition, counselors will allocate time to:

  • deliver guidance lessons,
  • provide individual student planning,
  • provide responsive services, and
  • manage system support.

During the school year, counselors should monitor their time and determine the percentage of time spent in each component of the school counseling program.

B. Use of Time

District counselors recognize the value of delivery of services to students. It is recommended that school counselors spend 80% of their time in Delivery of Services to Students. The remaining time is spent for Foundation, Management & Accountability.

C. Use of Data

A comprehensive school counseling program is data driven.  School counselors must show that each activity implemented is part of the program, and was developed from analysis of the students’ needs, achievements, and/or related data. To do this, school counselors need to evaluate process, perception, and results data. 

At each level (Elementary, Junior/Senior High School), School counselors will review and discuss data driven needs for the student population.  This may include review of graduation rates, attendance, and standardized test scores. For every desired competency and result there must be a plan how the desired competency will be achieved. Each action plan should include: competencies addressed, description of activity, timeline in which the activity will be completed, who is responsible for delivery, means of evaluating student success, expected results.

Each counseling department will decide on a plan of action to meet student need.  Counselors and the school district leadership team will agree on how services will be assigned to specific counselors.

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Middleburgh Central School Counseling Department Delivery System

A. Direct Student Services

The counseling curriculum provides developmental activities that address academic, career and personal/social needs of students K-12. This is accomplished through:

  • Classroom Activities: school counselors present lessons in the classroom.
  • Group Activities: school counselors conduct group activities outside of the classroom to address student’s particular needs
  • Curriculum Maps: The Middleburgh Counseling Departments have been developing a counseling program map. The map is an active and ongoing document with annual updates recommended.

B. Individual Student Planning

Counselors monitor students’ progress so they may achieve success in academic, personal/social, and career areas. This may be accomplished through:

  • Individual or Small Group Appraisal: Work with students in analyzing and evaluating abilities, interests, skills, and achievement.
  • Individual or Small Group Advisement: Work directly with students on achieving success in personal/social, academic, and career areas.
  • Case Management: Monitor individual students’ progress.
  • Placement: Collaborate with school staff in determining the best educational setting for students as they meet their academic and social goals.

C. Responsive Services

School counselors provide support and interventions to meet the needs of students. This is accomplished through:

  • Individual and Small Group Counseling: Counseling is provided for students experiencing social, emotional, personal, or academic difficulties.
  • Crisis Counseling: Short term counseling that is provided to students, families or staff as an immediate intervention to a crisis.

D. Indirect Student Services

  • Referrals: School counselors provide families with a variety of resources, both inside and outside of school, to better serve our students.
  • Consultation: School counselors collaborate with families, school staff and community agencies to develop interventions for students.
  • Interdisciplinary Activities: School counselors collaborate with school staff to implement curriculum across content areas.

E. System Support

School counselors assess the effectiveness of the counseling program. This is accomplished through:

  • Teaming: School counselors participate in district wide and building committees.
  • Professional Development: School counselors regularly participate in training, conferences, and meetings to update knowledge and skills.        
  • Program Promotion: School Counselors provide orientation and information regarding the programs to the greater community via websites, counseling newsletters and presentations.
  • Program Management and Evaluation: School counselors regularly collect and analyze data to evaluate the program and continue updating program activities.

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To see the appendices, please click here for the full plan. If you are having trouble accessing this document, please contact the District Communications Office.

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