Athletics Handbook

Parent Guidelines| Section 2 NYSPHSAA Spectator Sportsmanship Policy| Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct| Code of Conduct for Athletes| Responsibilities and Ethics| MCS Athletics Dept.| General Policies for Athletes| Transportation to Athletic Events| Training Rules and Penalties| Procedure for Appealing Disciplinary Action| Care of Equipment and Facilities| Medical, Physicals, Permission, Insurance| Athletic Awards| Next Steps: Registration Forms

A printable version of the MCS Athletics Handbook including Code of Conduct is available here.


Middleburgh Central School District’s philosophy of educating the whole child applies to athletics and sports as well as to academic life. When students participate in athletic endeavors, they do so as a part of their total education experience – building skills of commitment, sportsmanship, leadership, and teamwork.

Interscholastic athletics at MCS are proof that athletic and academic success can thrive together in a supportive environment. As your child becomes involved in the athletic program at MCS, they will experience some of the most rewarding moments of their lives. Many of the character traits required to be a successful participant in the MCS Athletic Program are exactly those that will promote a successful life after high school.

To ensure the best possible experience for you and your child, the following guidelines for communication have been established.


Both parenting and coaching are challenging vocations. By establishing and understanding each position, we are better able to accept the actions of the other and provide greater benefits to the student-athletes. As parents, when your child becomes involved in our program, you have a right to understand the expectations that are placed on your child. This begins with clear communication from the coach of your child’s team.

Communication You Should Expect from Your Child’s Coach

  1. Information about members of the coaching staff including those coaches who may be specifically working with your child.
  2. Expectations the coach has for your child as well as all the players on the team.
  3. Location and times of practices and contests including bus departure times.
  4. Team requirements, i.e. special equipment, off-season conditioning, specific team rules.
  5. Procedures should your child be injured during practice or a contest.
  6. Discipline procedures that may result in your child not participating in a contest(s).
  7. Contact information for the coach.

Communication Coaches Expect from Parents

  1. Concerns expressed directly to the coach.
  2. Notification of any schedule conflicts well in advance.
  3. Specific concerns in regard to a coach’s philosophy and/or expectations.
  4. Specific medical or personal/emotional problems that could adversely impact your child’s performance or safety

Appropriate Topics to Discuss with Coaches

  1. The mental and physical treatment of your child by coaches and/or teammates.
  2. Suggestions for parents to support the skill development of their child.Concerns about your child’s behavior.
  3. Family concerns that may have an emotional impact upon your child and their athletic participation.

Coaches make decisions based on what they believe to be best for the entire team. As a parent, although you may not always agree with these decisions, it is imperative that you allow your child’s coach to make these decisions. 

Topics Not Appropriate to Discuss with Coaches:

  1. Playing time
  2. Team strategy
  3. Play calling
  4. Lineups
  5. Substitutions
  6. The performance of other student-athletes on the team.

If you have a concern to discuss with a coach, this is the procedure you should follow:

  1. Contact the coach directly and schedule a meeting, if necessary.
  2. If the coach cannot be reached, call the Athletic Director at (518) 827-3600 ext. 2739 to help schedule a meeting

Please understand that the time before and during a practice or athletic event is an unacceptable time to share your concerns with the coach. During this time the coach will be focused on training and providing for the welfare of the student-athletes. Likewise, the time directly following a practice or athletic event is typically a time when emotions run high and is not an ideal time to address concerns you may have.

What can a parent do if the meeting with the coach did not provide a satisfactory resolution?

Call the Athletic Direct at (518) 827-3600 x2739 and set up a meeting to discuss the situation.

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Any spectator removed by an official, law enforcement, school administration, chaperone, or coach is:

  • Ineligible to attend any inter-school competition for that school until after the next previously scheduled contest at the same level has been completed.

A second removal in the same sport in the same season means:

  • They shall not attend until the next two regularly scheduled contests for that school have been completed.

If the spectator doesn’t comply with the suspensions (home or away), the suspension is increased to a second or third offense.

A spectator who receives a third removal in the same sport season will not be allowed to attend for the rest of the season (regular season & postseason).

The section and/or the school district has the authority to extend the period of ineligibility in those cases where the actions are warranted.

The home school may also require the individual removed to take the NFHS parent credentialing course, in addition to the suspensions.

Schools will provide warnings through announcements, posters, and/or direct communication.

Schools and leagues can always be more restrictive; removed or suspended spectators will be notified both verbally and in writing of their suspensions.

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The purpose of the Parent or Guardian Code of Conduct is to ensure parental support and positive role models for our athletic program. In the tradition of excellence, one purpose of MCS Athletic Program is to promote the physical, moral, mental, social, and emotional well-being of our student-athletes. Parents and guardians are an integral part of this process.

Parent or Guardian Code of Conduct

  1. I will provide positive support, care, and encouragement to my student-athlete and their team, coaches and school.
  2. I will maintain positive behavior and attitude at all athletic contests.
    1. I will respect the rules of the game.
    2. I will respect the position and professionalism of the game official. Concerns regarding officials should be brought to the attention of the Athletic Director.
    3. I will not use profanity, alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs at any athletic event. 
    4. I will not make derogatory comments nor threaten or physically harm any players, parents, coaches, game officials or school administrators.
    5. I will not interfere with the coach. 
    6. f. I will provide positive support and encouragement to the visiting team, their coaches and school.
  3. I will refrain from coaching my child or other players during games and practices, unless I am one of the official coaches of the team.
  4. I will allow the coach to be responsible for my son or daughter during practice, games and team-related activities.
  5. I will assist in providing for the safety and welfare of all students.
  6. I will sign and submit, with accurate information, all required student athlete handbook forms to the Athletic Program. 
  7. I will not attempt to circumvent any rules or guidelines of MCS or the MCS Athletic Program.

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Becoming a member of an MCS athletic team carries with it certain traditions and responsibilities that must be maintained. As a member of an interscholastic team of MCS you have inherited a tradition of respect for yourself, family, school, and community. By trying the best you can, and following all of the rules set up by your coaches, you can feel justifiably proud of yourself no matter what the win-loss record dictates.

The Board of Education has approved student handbooks outlining behavior codes for students in grades 7-12. It is the responsibility of all athletes to honor those rules and expectations. Disciplinary action of the building principal shall prevail over all matters involving athletic participation.

A. Responsibilities to Yourself

The most important of these responsibilities is to broaden yourself and develop strength of character. You owe it to yourself to get the greatest possible good from your school experience. Your studies, and participation in other extra curricular activities, as well as athletics, prepare you for life as an adult.

B. Responsibilities to Others

Younger students look up to you and it is your responsibility to set a good example for them. They may seek your attention and guidance, so always take a few minutes to encourage them in whatever way possible.

C. Responsibilities to Your School

As an athlete you assume a responsibility to your school. MCS will maintain its position as an outstanding school when you do your best in whatever activity you engage in. By participating in athletics to the maximum of your ability, you contribute to the reputation of your school. Any behavior which may cast an adverse reflection on our athletic program is prohibited.

D. Responsibilities for School Citizenship

The Code of Conduct for athletes is a standard that the community, school, parents, and students have developed. It acknowledges to others that MCS athletes are held to a high standard.

Behavior that may be construed as unbecoming to a participant on our teams may cause you to be denied membership on a team. Behavior such as drinking, smoking, use of chewing tobacco, use/possession/purchase of drugs and/or drug paraphernalia of any form, insubordination, larceny, or any other disobedience to the law or school regulations could be just cause for you to be denied the privilege of participating in the interscholastic sports program, as an athlete and/or spectator.

E. Responsibility for Academics

As with any other extra curricular activity, participation in interscholastic sports does not diminish the importance of academics. You are responsible to complete homework assignments on time, actively participate in class related activities and maintain minimum academic standards.

F. Responsibilities for Sportsmanship

An MCS athlete should exhibit the ideals of sportsmanship, ethical conduct, and fair play at all times. You are expected to establish and demonstrate respectful behavior in your relationships with the visiting team, officials, and all spectators. Respecting the integrity and judgment of the officials is critical to fostering sportsmanship. It is the responsibility of all team members to strive to develop leadership, initiative, and good judgment.

Athletes must have a thorough understanding and acceptance of the rules of the game, the standards of eligibility, and must recognize that an athletic contest is only a game, not a matter of life and death for the player, the coach, school, official, fan, or community. The purpose of athletics is to promote physical, mental, social, and emotional well being of the individual players.

G. Responsibilities as a Member of a Team

Your appearance reflects on self, school, and community. Accordingly, coaches will work with you to establish an image that conveys the pride and tradition of our athletic program. Being a member of the team representing your school is a privilege. Athletes must be proud of the opportunity to play on a team and the school expects to be proud of them as players. Athletes must attend all scheduled practices and games unless excused by the coach. Athletes who participate in club or travel teams/sports during the school sponsored season should play and practice with the school team as their first priority. Violation of this can lead to consequences determined by the coach.

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A. Organization Structure

The athletic program is governed by the New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA), Section II and the Western Athletic Conference. The program is also administered by rules and regulations adopted by the Board of Education.


A. The Modified Interscholastic Athletic Program

Interscholastic competition in sports (in grade 7-9) has been modified by the NYSPHSAA. The program has been approved by our league schools and is based on many years of experimentation and implementation with safety and participation as the major concerns. All eligibility standards listed in “B” will apply to Modified Level.


  1. The program is for the students
  2. Knowledge and skills are to be developed for all the athletes in each sport. Emphasis should be placed on building good character.
  3. Physical fitness, sportsmanship, and teamwork should be promoted.
  4. Each participant should achieve some level of success, either in improvement of skills or overall playing ability in a game situation.
  5. Each participant should have substantial playing time (it doesn’t have to be equal, but as near equal as possible).
  6. Winning is important, but not the first priority of the team.
  7. Each student should have a feeling of worth.
  8. Modified coaches should communicate with the varsity coach to foster continuity within the program.

B. Varsity/Junior Varsity Eligibility Standards

Age Eligibility

An athlete must be a bona fide student of Middleburgh and must be taking at least three subjects including Physical Education. A student who reaches 19 prior to July 1 will not be eligible to participate. Students in grades 7-9 may participate in the “modified” program. A student reaching the age of 15 during a sport season may complete that season and must play varsity or junior varsity next season.

Attendance Eligibility

An athlete will not be allowed to participate if he/she has been absent the same day due to illness. An athlete who is legally absent for all or part of the school day may be eligible to participate in sports that day with the knowledge and consent of the Director of Athletics and the Administration. An athlete must be in school on Friday to participate in a weekend athletic event. The Athletic Coordinator may use his/her discretion with an athlete whose attendance is a concern. An athlete must be in school 30 minutes after the start of first period on game and practice days to be eligible that day. Legal excuses will be honored. Notes signed by parents are not acceptable. Exceptions may be made due to extenuating circumstances in which case a conference will be held with the principal, coach, and athletic director.


Coaches Night – All athletes participating in the MCSD Athletics Program and their parents/guardians are required to attend a mandatory coaches meeting that is held prior to each sport season. Information regarding the season will be reviewed, as well as specific team expectations as outlined by each coach. The Athletic Code of Conduct must be signed and submitted to the coach by the conclusion of the meeting. The signing of the Code of Conduct indicates that the student-athlete and parent have read, understand, and agree to follow both the spirit and the letter of the Athletic Code of Conduct. Any athlete, who along with their parent/guardian is not in attendance, will be ineligible for tryouts, games, and scrimmages. Emergency meetings will be at the discretion of the Athletic Director.


The NYSPHSAA regulations allow outside competition during the sport seasons. If a MCSD student-athlete chooses to participate in a club sport, it should be with the understanding that the commitment to the school team for practice and competition will take priority over club sports.



The general philosophy behind this academic eligibility program is that students who are involved in extracurricular activities tend to achieve better results in the classroom. Thus, the intent of the program is to keep students involved rather than remove them from the activity/team. It is hoped that the positive leverage that can be generated by coaches, advisors, teachers, and fellow students will assist the student deemed to be in need of academic improvement. While the student must “earn” playing/participation time, the student will never be removed from the team unless they are failing four or more classes.

  1. It is expected that all students involved in extracurricular activities will regard academic performance as their primary goal.
  2. It is expected that all teachers, coaches, and advisors will regard student academic performance as their primary goal.
  3. All students participating in extracurricular activities are expected to pass all subjects in their course load.
  4. All students involved in extracurricular activities will be checked for passing grades at the end of each five week reporting period (interim reports and report cards).
  5. Students with a grade below 65% in any course will be placed in the academic eligibility program. The student will be allowed to participate; however, an Eligibility Sheet for that class will be required for 5 weeks and they must be passing the class. If the student is passing the class on a weekly basis, they will be allowed to play/participate.
  6. Students with a grade below 65% in TWO courses will be placed in the academic eligibility program. An Eligibility Sheet for those two classes will be required for 5 weeks. The student will also be required to attend two after school study halls from 3:00-3:30 and be passing the classes on a weekly basis in order to stay eligible and be allowed to play/participate.
  7. Students with a grade below 65% in THREE courses will be allowed to remain a part of the club/team/etc., but will only be able to practice for five weeks. The student will NOT be able to play/participate (until next grade report).
  8. Failing four or more classes: NOT eligible to practice, participate, or be part of a team/group/club.
  9. On Thursday of each week during the next five weeks, the student will bring an Eligibility Program Signature Sheet to the teacher of the class(es) on the student’s schedule that they are failing. The teacher(s) will sign the sheet and note if the student is PASSING OR FAILING FOR THE PAST WEEK. The teacher may also include comments in the space provided.
  10. At the end of the day, the student will bring the eligibility signature sheet to the athletic director (for all sports) or the principal (for all other activities). The Athletic Coordinator or building administrator will verify attendance at required study halls.
  11. The athletic director or principal will review the form and indicate if the student is eligible for participation in athletic contests, performances, club meetings, etc. for the next week.
  12. A copy of the form will be given to the student by the athletic director or principal. It is the responsibility of the student to bring the form to the coach or advisor involved that day. IF THE STUDENT DOES NOT SUBMIT THE FORM TO THE COACH/ADVISOR, THE STUDENT WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY GROUP/TEAM ACTIVITIES (including practice, meetings, etc.) UNTIL THE FORM IS PRESENTED TO THE COACH/ADVISOR.
  13. If the student is declared eligible, the student will participate in all activities conducted by the team/group during the next week. If the student is declared ineligible, the student may not participate for the next week. (For example, in athletics, this means the student will participate in all team practices and meetings; however, the student will not be allowed to play in any games or scrimmages. It is further expected that the student will “dress” with the team but will not be allowed to play.)
  14. Students attending the after school study hall must arrive on time, sign-in, and remain for the full 30 minutes unless given permission from the Athletic Coordinator or a building administrator.
  15. At the five-week point, all students will once again be checked, and steps 1 through 10 will be repeated.

One Class at 50%

Two Classes below 65%

Three Classes below 65%

Four Classes below 65%

Academic Eligibility Sheet for class that has failing average

Academic Eligibility Sheet for classes that have failing average

No Academic Eligibility Sheet required 


Must be passing each week to play/participate 

Must be passing each week to play/participate and MUST attend two days of after school study hall

NO PLAYING may only practice 

5 weeks

5 weeks 

5 weeks 

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Travel Regulations

The Athletic Director will arrange all transportation. All athletes are expected to ride to and from away games with their team. A coach will accompany the team on all trips. The coach will have a complete travel list. A parent who wishes to transport his/her student-athlete home from the game must sign out said athlete with the coach.

In the event a parent wishes his/her student-athlete to be transported home from the game by someone other than himself/herself, the following conditions must be met:

  • At the beginning of each season, the names of both parents and two other approved adults (immediate relatives, neighbors, parents of teammates, “emergency contacts”) must be submitted to the coach, Athletic Director, and Principal to be kept on record.
  • When a parent wishes his/her student-athlete to travel with one of these approved adults, the parent must provide a note to the Athletic Director or Principal for verification and approval NO LESS THAN 24 HOURS prior to the contest. The information will then be communicated to the coach.
  • The approved adult must sign out the student-athlete at the game with the coach.

Parents are expected to pick up their children after practices, scrimmages, or games in a timely manner.

Bus Regulations

All team members are expected to conduct themselves in a fashion that will ensure the safety of all passengers. Traveling to and from games should be no different than other times on the bus. All safety rules must be followed.

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An athlete should observe the following rules:

  1. Avoid the purchase, use, and/or possession of alcohol, tobacco or tobacco products, illegal drugs, or performance enhancing drugs.
    • PENALTY – The student-athlete will be suspended from the team for a minimum of three weeks for the first offense, but must attend all practices and games. Should the offense occur with less than three weeks remaining in the season, the remainder of the suspension will be served during the student-athlete’s next sports season. A second violation of this rule during the same season, or if the act is deemed flagrant by a committee consisting of the Athletic Director, Principal, and Superintendent of Schools, will result in the immediate removal from the team and the loss of eligibility for awards, letters, post-season recognition, etc.
  2. Should not be in the presence of the illegal distribution of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco.
    • PENALTY – The student-athlete will be suspended from the team for a minimum of three weeks for the first offense, but must attend all practices and games. Should the offense occur with less than three weeks remaining in the season, the remainder of the suspension will be served during the student-athlete’s next sports season. A second violation of this rule during the same season, or if the act is deemed flagrant by a committee consisting of the Athletic Director, Principal, and Superintendent of Schools, will result in the immediate removal from the team and the loss of eligibility for awards, letters, post-season recognition, etc.
  3. Not participate in any sort of hazing or mistreatment of themselves or other athletes.
    • PENALTY – The student-athlete will be suspended from the team for a minimum of three weeks for the first offense, but must attend all practices and games. Should the offense occur with less than three weeks remaining in the season, the remainder of the suspension will be served during the student-athlete’s next sports season. A second violation of this rule during the same season, or if the act is deemed flagrant by a committee consisting of the Athletic Director, Principal, and Superintendent of Schools, will result in the immediate removal from the team and the loss of eligibility for awards, letters, post-season recognition, etc.
  4. Attend all practices scheduled when school is in regular session.
    • PENALTY – The student-athlete will be dealt with by their respective coach for a first offense. Disciplinary action will be progressive in nature depending on the severity of the offense.
  5. Follow the instructions of their coaches.
    • PENALTY – The student-athlete will be dealt with by their respective coach for a first offense. Disciplinary action will be progressive in nature depending on the severity of the offense.
  6. Demonstrate good sportsmanship and school citizenship.
    • PENALTY – Athletes who demonstrate poor sportsmanship/school citizenship will be disciplined according to the eligibility policy. Any student-athlete who is assessed a technical foul, suspension, or other penalty resulting from unsportsmanlike conduct will be suspended from participation for the remainder of the contest and for the next scheduled contest, as per the Section II Sportsmanship Policy.
  7. Participate in physical education classes.
    • PENALTY – Any student-athlete who does not change for or participate in physical education class will not be allowed to participate in practice or competition that day. Penalties for repeated violations will be dealt with in a progressive nature.
  8. NEVER do anything that may bring embarrassment or an unfavorable view to your teammates, coaches, family, school, or community.
    • PENALTY – The student-athlete will be dealt with by their respective coach for a first offense. Disciplinary action will be progressive in nature depending on the severity of the offense.

Student-athletes providing any alcohol, drugs, or controlled substances shall be removed from participation in interscholastic athletics for one calendar year beginning on the date of the offense.

It is the expectation of the MCSD Athletics Program that if a MCSD student-athlete is present at a party where alcohol or drug use is occurring, the student-athlete will leave the party as soon as safely feasible, preferably immediately. Responsible decision-making would include not returning to the party and encouraging other student-athletes to do the same.

Cyber Images

Pictures posted on the internet of a student-athlete in violation of training rules are deemed punishable.

Rules may be required by a coach that is unique to that sport.

Leaving a Team

If an athlete should want to leave a team, they should not do so without first notifying and discussing the reason(s) with the coach and Athletic Director. A student-athlete selected as a member of a team shall not be allowed to withdraw from the team past the midpoint of that team’s season unless there are extenuating circumstances.

  • PENALTY – A student-athlete who withdraws from a team past the midpoint of that team’s season, unless there are extenuating circumstances, will forfeit 25% of the contests of the next sport he/she participates in. For varsity and junior varsity soccer, cross country, and track, 25% equals four contests. For varsity and junior varsity volleyball, golf, basketball, bowling, baseball, softball, and tennis, 25% equals five contests. For modified soccer, cross country, and track, 25% equals three contests. For modified volleyball, golf, basketball, bowling, baseball, softball, and tennis, 25% equals four contests.

Practice Guidelines

Athletes are expected to attend all practice sessions. If you are absent from school for illness you may not practice. When an athlete is in school but cannot practice for a legitimate reason, the coach must be informed prior to practice time. Practice time is critical. Tardiness to practice will not be tolerated.

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Any student who is suspended or removed from an interscholastic team may appeal the suspension or removal by following the stages outlined below:

  • Stage I: Request an informal meeting with the school Principal, Athletic Director, and coach to discuss the matter and render a decision.
  • Stage II: Formally request a meeting with the Superintendent of Schools to grieve the decision in Stage I. The request is to be written, enumerating specific points upon which the aggrieved party bases the appeal. The Superintendent is to respond as soon as possible, but no later than 10 days after receiving the written request.
  • Stage III: Appeal the decision of the Superintendent of Schools to the Board of Education by written request, again recording specific points of contention.
  • Stage IV: Final appeal to the Commissioner of Education.

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Lost Equipment

All equipment issued by the school will be the responsibility of the individual athlete. Any equipment not returned at the end of the season must be paid for or replaced by the student. Failure to do this will result in suspension from further participation in athletics.

Misuse of Equipment/Facilities

All equipment and facilities should be cared for as if it were the athlete’s personal property. The cost of replacement is quite high and we want our teams to have the best possible equipment. It will have a long life with proper care. Please be aware of the concern for care of equipment. Any equipment intentionally misused will be repaired at the player’s expense.

Sports Seasons

The high school year is divided into three (3) sports seasons: fall, winter, and spring. A student/athlete wishing to participate in more than one sport during a sport season must notify the Athletic Director four weeks before the start of that season. At that time a formal review will be conducted and permission will either be granted or denied.


Athletes who do not return uniforms upon the completion of the season, within three (3) complete school days by 3:00 p.m, will not be allowed to start the next interscholastic sport season for the number of days they are late.

  • Recommendation: coaches should be prepared to collect complete uniforms at the last game of the season; then clean and store immediately.

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Parental Consent and Medical Release Forms

A form containing the school’s training rules, policies, and a statement of parental permission to participate as well as a medical emergency card must be signed by a parent or guardian and returned to the coach before they practice.


All students who desire to participate in Athletics must be examined by a physician appointed by the Board of Education and may not practice or participate without the doctor’s approval. Sports physicals are scheduled prior to the start of practice, and it is the responsibility of each student to sign up with the nurse in the school physical education office prior to the sports season. Schedules for physicals are posted and if the athlete cannot be there on the assigned date and time, they must contact the coach or nurse as soon as possible to be assigned a different appointment date. Athletes cannot change times on their own. They must contact the coach or the school nurse if they have a conflict. If a student misses their appointed time they will be responsible to get the physical done by their own physician. Make up physicals are for new/transfer students only. Students  must contact the school nurse if there is a problem.

Interval Health History for Athletes 

An Interval Health History must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian before each sports season if a health exam has not been conducted within 30 days of the start of the sports season. The purpose of the interval health history is to ensure that any health problems occurring since the last health exam are identified and considered.

 A school nurse who is a Registered Nurse (RN) or the director of school health services must review each student’s interval health history. The director of school health services may request additional information or evaluation prior to approving the student to participate.  

If the 12-month period for the health exam expires during a sports season (which includes tryouts), participants may complete the season as long as a health history was conducted prior to the season. For example, a health exam conducted on August 1 would be valid through August 31. If a student plays beyond August (ex. football), the student may complete that sports season as long as an interval health history was conducted before the start of the season. Immediately following the last sanctioned tournament competition for that season, a new health exam is required if the student is going to play another sport.  

Dominic Murray Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act

The Dominic Murray Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act  is a new law as of July 1, 2022. This law requires schools, students, and parents/guardians have information on sudden cardiac arrest risks, signs, and symptoms. Please note that sudden cardiac arrest in children and youth is rare. The incidence of sudden cardiac death (SCD) on the playing field is 0.61 in 100,000.1

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is an emergency that happens when the heart suddenly stops working. SCA can cause death if not treated immediately, and even with treatment death may occur. Immediate treatment is cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and use of an automatic external defibrillator (AED). All public schools must have a staff member trained in the use of CPR and AED in school and at all school athletic events.

Preventing SCA before it happens is the best way to save a life[1]. Both your family health history and your child’s personal history must be told to healthcare providers to help them know if your child is at risk for sudden cardiac arrest. Ask your child if they are having any of the symptoms listed below and tell a healthcare provider. Know your family history and tell a healthcare provider of any risk factors listed below.

The signs or symptoms are:

  • Fainting or seizure, especially during or right after exercise or with excitement or startled
  • Racing heart, palpitations, or irregular heartbeat
  • Dizziness, lightheadedness, or extreme fatigue with exercise
  • Chest pain or discomfort with exercise
  • Excessive shortness of breath during exercise
  • Excessive, unexpected fatigue during or after exercise

Student’s Personal Risk Factors are:

  • Use of diet pills, performance-enhancing supplements, energy drinks, or drugs such as cocaine, inhalants, or “recreational” drugs.[2]
  • Elevated blood pressure or cholesterol.
  • History of health care provider ordered test(s) for heart related issues.

Student’s Family History Risk Factors are:

  • Family history of known heart abnormalities or sudden death before 50 years of age
  • Family members with unexplained fainting, seizures, drowning, near drowning or car accidents before 50 years of age
  • Structural heart abnormality, repaired or unrepaired
  • Any relative diagnosed with the following conditions:
    • Enlarged Heart/ Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy/Dilated Cardiomyopathy
    • Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy
    •  Heart rhythm problems, long or short QT interval
    • Brugada Syndrome
    • Catecholaminergic Ventricular Tachycardia
    • Marfan Syndrome- aortic rupture
    • Heart attack at 50 years or younger
    • Pacemaker or implanted cardiac defibrillator (ICD)

SCA in students at risk can be triggered by athletic activities. To decrease any chance of SCA in a student, the Interval Health History for Athletics must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian before each sports season unless a physical examination has been conducted within 30 days before the start of the season. This form has questions to help identify changes since the last physical examination or health history was completed. School personnel may require a student with health or history changes to see a healthcare provider before participating in athletics.

Finally, the law requires any student who has signs and symptoms of pending SCA be removed from athletic activity until seen by a physician. The physician must provide written clearance to the school for the student to be able to return to athletics.

Please contact the State Education Department’s Office of Student Support Services for questions at or 518-486-6090.

[1] Maron BJ, Doerer JJ, Haas TS, et al. Sudden deaths in young competitive athletes: analysis of 1866 deaths in the United States, 1980-2006. Circulation 2009;119:1085-92. 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.108.804617

[2] SCA Prevention Toolkit – Eric Paredes Save A Life Foundation (

Accident Reports/Sports Injuries

All injuries should be reported to the coach immediately. Early care and treatment can minimize the physical restrictions from an injury. Athletes should give coaches all necessary information so an accident report can be filed.

Returning to Competition after Injury

When a student is absent for five or more consecutive days due to illness or if a student receives an injury, he/she must be requalified for participation by the School Physician before returning to competition. This policy is dictated by State Law to prevent serious injury to the athlete. The coach or school nurse will make arrangements for the requalification. The athlete will not be allowed to practice before they have received clearance.

Student Insurance

Student accident insurance is provided for all athletes. This insurance is supplemental to the parent’s health insurance policy. The parent’s insurance is the primary coverage in the event of an accident/injury during any school related activity. Any injury must be reported to the coach and school nurse immediately.

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Varsity Sports Awards

Students fulfilling specific requirements for varsity sports will be awarded a certificate and a letter “M” with a metal pin insert that identifies the particular sport in which the letter was earned.

A certificate and bar will be awarded to the student who has earned more than one letter in a particular sport. Varsity sports are:







Track & Field










Track & Field


Requirements to earn a Varsity Letter

(In special cases, these requirements may be waived)

Bowling Bowl 50% of the matches
Soccer Play in 75% halves
Basketball Play in 50% of quarters
Baseball Play in 50% of innings
Softball Play in 50% of innings
Tennis Play in 50% of matches
Track Score a minimum of 25 points and participate in 50% of meets
Cheerleading Cheer in 75% of games
Volleyball Play in 50% of games

Award Requirements

  • Approval of Coach, Director of Athletics, and Principal
  • School Citizenship
  • Must finish the season unless excused by the Coach
  • Must return all equipment

Statistician and Managerial Awards

A letter will be awarded to a statistician who has kept stats for four (4) years for one sport/has kept stats for four (4) different sports one year each.

Senior athletes who made a significant contribution to the team may be given a varsity letter by the coach without meeting the above requirements.

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MCS utilizes rSchools for sports registration. Parents, guardians and students must complete several forms in order for students to participate in athletic programs. These include:

  • Transportation from Away Contests
  • Interval Health History
  • MCS Emergency Card
  • Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct
  • Additionally, students are required to complete the Student-Athlete Code of Conduct.

For families without access to a computer, paper copies of all forms are available at the Athletic Director’s Office.