MES students enjoy a sweet literature project

Storybook diorama using Peeps.   

Middleburgh Central School District elementary students worked as competing teams to create dioramas illustrating some of their favorite books.

In addition to Peeps, students used pipe cleaners, stickers, construction paper and even recycled milk cartons to recreate scenes from classic children’s literature.

District office and other staff judges determined the winners based on several themes. Winners were chosen on April 5.

Grand Prize Winner: “All Are Welcome”

Best Representation of the Story: “Where’s Waldo?”  

Best Use of Materials: “The 3 Little Peeps”

Most Unique: “Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus”

Funniest: “One Big Pair of Underwear”  

Storybook diorama using Peeps.Storybook diorama using Peeps.Storybook diorama using Peeps.