Schedule for Grades 5-8 State Assessments

On April 20 and 21 and May 4 and 5, Middleburgh Jr. Sr. High School will be administering the New York State Assessments to grades 5-8. These assessments will provide the district with valuable information to help guide instruction and provide support for students in need. There are a couple items to review:

    • We are only administering Section 1 of the assessments. This section contains only multiple choice items.
    • Grades 5 and 6 will take the paper-based assessment for ELA and math. 
    • Grades 7 and 8 will take the computer-based assessments for ELA and math.
    • All students in grades 5-8 are required to come to school to participate in the assessment.
    • There will not be a remote option available nor will there be any penalization for students who do not feel safe coming into the building.

The dates of the assessments are as followed:  

    • 5 and 6 ELA – April 20
    • 7 and 8 ELA – April 21
    • 5 and 6 Math – May 4
    • 7 and 8 Math – May 5

Students in grades 9-12:

    • Will be fully remote on these four assessment days.
    • Are expected to Zoom into all of their classes.